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The Doctor Who Quote Quiz

The Doctor Who Quote Quiz

The Doctor Who Quote Quiz
20 February 2013

We have a difficult relationship with TV catchphrases. Mainly because they're excruciatingly over-used and once a parent has decided to appropriate it into their daily vocabulary that's the final nail in the unfunny coffin.

That said, Doctor Who is in a league of its own. We'd happily go around quoting it in public, regardless of the strange looks we'd get. Over the past 50 years, the Doctor, as well as the various companions and villains have uttered some brilliant one liners, hilarious put downs, as well as the odd profound verse or two.

With that in mind we've created a quiz of some of the most memorable quotes from the TV series. All you have to do is tell us who said what. So, what are you waiting for? Allons-y!

Also, see our list of the Best Dr Who Doctor

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