Some months ago, we brought you a monotony-breaking piece on the wonderful dog Nana and her inability to perform that most basic of canine instincts - catching food.
Sure, we had a moment of hesitation in sharing the slow motion montage of Nana's failures: was her ineptitude the direct result of a hard upbringing? Was Nana slowly losing her mental faculties? Were we just overthinking a very funny video. Yes we were.
Which is why we're happy to share another catch failure collection, that of golden retriever Fritz.
To be fair to Fritz, the young pup is still "learning" to catch. It's just taking a while.
If you enjoy the video below, be sure to check out Fritz's entire YouTube channel of failure. Poor pup.
Also - as an aside - the video provides further proof to that dogs really can look up.
[Via: Neatorama]