The ShortList Film Club kicked off last night with a bang - and a few screams - as the audience at the Gate cinema in Notting Hill were treated not only to one of the finest horror films of the last decade, It Follows, but also a surprise appearance from its writer-director and two of the cast.

ShortList's film editor Andrew Dickens, wary of a potential popcorn bombardment, kept his part in proceedings mercifully short by introducing David Robert Mitchell, the man behind the masterpiece, plus Maika Monroe and Daniel Zovatto.

They gave little away about the plot, but still managed to find a few words for the audience, including a comforting "I hope you're terrified" from Zovatto. This was one occasion where that's actually a nice thing to say.

The good news, not just for the people who attended last night's screening (one of six the SFC and its partners ourscreen are staging around the country this week), but the UK's film-lovers at large, is that there will be many more SFC screenings to come this year, with details here and in the magazine very soon. News, we hope, that's quite the opposite of terrifying.

David Robert Mitchell

Maika Monroe

Daniel Zovatto
Visit the Shortlist Film Club page to watch the latest trailers and find out what's coming soon.
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