This is what Ugly Naked Guy from Friends actually looks like
This is what Ugly Naked Guy from Friends actually looks like

Remember Ugly Naked Guy? He was the aptly-named cross-street neighbour of the Friends gang. They would regularly stare out of their window to gaze at him being very ugly and very naked.

He never received a credit on the show, and his face was always hidden whenever he appeared on screen. After twelve years without any answers, Friends fans started to give up any hope of identifying the hairy-backed disrober.

But not writer Todd Van Luling, who embarked on a year-long voyage of discovery, determined to discover the real Ugly Naked Guy.
And he did it. He actually did it. Brace yourself people, because this is it: the face of Ugly Naked Guy.
The One Where We Know What He Looks Like
Regrettably, actor John Haugen is neither as ugly or naked as you’d have hoped. But the question is: why has he never cashed in on the role?
“The reason I never came forward,” Haugen told Van Luling, “was because I was just keeping it mellow because Warner Brothers was keeping it mellow. They wanted everybody to have a guess who I was.”
That, and the fact that his character is called Ugly Naked Guy. But now he’s been uncovered for the world to see – just the way we like it.