The 'Illusions of the Year' winners will blow your mind
The 'Illusions of the Year' winners will blow your mind

And you thought the blue/black/gold/white dress was a head pest.
The following assembly aren't created by special effects studios or built with big budgets. They are simple optical illusions that show just how unreliable your ocular senses are.
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The work of secondary school physics teachers, university research groups and hobbyists, these are the finalists of the 2015 Best Illusion of the Year Contest. The winning effort, Mark Vergeer's "Splitting Colors", makes 'The Dress' look like a childish party trick.
Check out the most mind-crushing...
Spitting Colors
Mark Vergeer (Winner)
Ambiguous Garage Roof
Kokichi Sugihara (Second place)
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The Day it Rained on Lowry
Michael Pickard (Third place)
Mind-controlled motion
Nicolas Davidenko, Yeram Cheong, and Jacob Smith (Finalists)
Snow Blind illusion
Masashi Atarashi (Finalist)
The Wandering Circles
Christopher Blair, Lars Strother, and Gideon Caplovitz (Finalists)
The Honeycomb Illusion
Marco Bertamini and Nicola Bruno (Finalists)
Disambiguating #theDress
Rosa Lafer-Sousa (Finalist)
The third hand illusion
Luke Bashford and Carsten Mehring (Finalists)
The Star Wars Scroll Illusion
Arthur Shapiro (Finalist)
Mind blown.