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23 February 2015
There are umpteen ways to encourage tidiness around the house...
You can buy a robot vacuum cleaner, cough passive aggressively every time a friend leaves a sweet wrapper lying around, or - failing that - fix a lethal sidearm onto your robot vacuum.
But in the interests of not murdering house guests we’d like to point you very much away from the latter option and firmly into the direction of New York designer Louise-Anne van’t Riet.
Her latest design piece is the Infinitum table, ostensibly paying homage to the décor of the Death Star with a near limitless glass LED-strewn façade, but really helping to deter domestic litterbugs in a future living room near you.
When an object is placed on the glass, the table lights up to illuminate whatever’s on top. This, the designer hopes, will remind people to take whatever belongings they have with them when they leave, because it’s either that or you waste a heck of a lot of energy.

The science behind the boundless drop? One-way plexiglass reflects LED light to create that eerie sense of depth, the colour of these LEDS changed by users via an outside panel.
Granted, it would have been great to see an electric shock component added to thwart any who dare put their feet on the table, but we suppose it’s a start.