The inside of this dog's ear looks a lot like Donald Trump
To be fair, it really does look like Donald Trump

Nearly a year on from Donald Trump’s shock election victory, we’ve got to take our comforts where we can. One: the world hasn’t ended yet. There’s been no apocalypse, nuclear or otherwise. Two: this dog’s ear kind of looks like him.
Owner Jade Robinson, who lives in Jarrow, posted the pic of her dog Chief’s ear on Facebook – but it was one of her mates who noticed the actually pretty uncanny likeness.
“If you know anything about beagles you know how intelligent, active and curious they are and Chief certainly lives up to that - he’s full of mischief,” Jade says. “As he has the very distinctive long ears they spend a lot of time scraping the ground sniffing for lovely smells, unfortunately this leads to his ears picking up a lot of dirt.”
“We have fought to keep his ears clean since day one however general cleaning can only go so far,” she adds. “This photo had to be taken whilst Chief was asleep as he does not like his inner ears to be touched and I swear I looked and zoomed in and out at this photo over twenty times and never saw Donald Trump – it was my eagle-eyed friend who pointed it out.”
She’s now trying to raise money to get the cyst checked out, so if you fancy helping this dog with the Donald Trump ear, here’s his JustGiving. He’s only raised £80 of a £450 target, so chuck ‘em a pound.