If this is your first viewing of Tim Doyle's UnReal Estate series, you're a long way down the fictional housing ladder.
Back in 2012, Doyle, hailing from Austin, Texas, exhibited his first series of location-based artwork, transforming the familiar vistas of TV shows into dreamy prints.
Three years and two more series later, the fourth instalment sees Doyle turn his considerable talents to the world of cinema, with his UnReal Estates: The Movie exhibit opening at SpokeArt Gallery in San Francisco on 2 July.
The latest collection plays on the cinematic visions of Quentin Tarantino, Peter Jackson and Ridley Scott in Doyle's familiar inked style.
Be sure to keep an eye on the SpokeArt Gallery store for details of when the prints are on sale, and see more of Doyle's work on his site here.

(Images: Tim Doyle)