The New Rolls Royce That Looks Like An Old Rolls Royce
The New Rolls Royce That Looks Like An Old Rolls Royce
Vintage motor cars are glorious, aren't they? They hail from a simple time when aesthetics were more important than boring things like safety and ergonomics.
Of course, they have problems. They're made of metal that rusts easily. Their appetite for petrol doesn't give two shits about the environment. The brakes are scarily primitive.
However, Rolls Royce are moving to close the gap between the sexy cars of yesteryear and the modern need for a vehicle that won't make every journey feel like it could be your last.
The Rolls Royce Dawn is a new car that looks like an old car. Using an original 1952 model, the Silver Dawn, as its "muse", it rekindles the spirit of a golden era of motoring. In that respect, it's a pity the name "Golden Dawn" is already in use... by a far-right political party in Greece. Good job they did their research. Could have been awkward...
The car will be made available in early 2016, at an as-yet unspecified price. Here's a clue: it's probably more than a Kia.
Get saving now, though, and you could be taking this down the McDonald's drive thru on a Friday night. Great times ahead.
[Via: The Verge]