Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson's face - oh but it's made out of 725 Rubik's cubes
Is this one of the best things we've ever seen? Yes

Nothing particularly rousing this week. No life lessons; no extemporising on Dwayne Johnson’s influence on the nature of the self; no strange flights of fancy about being The Rock’s daughter.
This week is about one thing and one thing only: THE MERE FACT THAT SOMEONE MADE A PORTRAIT OF THE ROCK’S FACE USING 725 RUBIK’S CUBES.
Look at that. Have you ever seen anything like it? Please say no. This doesn’t work if you say yes.
Even though the initial ‘How do you DO that?’ question was answered disappointingly quickly in a Reddit thread, man, the ingenuity of this endeavour still boggles the mind. Like a lot of fan-created art, what is particularly striking is the extent to which you would have to like something or someone in order to spend so many hours creating a piece based on it. This. Is. The. Power. Of. The. Rock.
Because The Rock shared it and, because he’s a darling and used the repost function so that its creator (Giovanni Contardi) could be easily identified, the picture has become Contardi’s most popular by quite some stretch. (On Instagram the post has picked up 53,124 likes at the time of writing.) Lagging behind The Rock is Contardi’s portrait of Tom Holland (36,823 likes), but that will be well and truly left to eat Dwayne Johnson dust in the coming days and weeks.
It’s at times like these that you have to look in the mirror and ask yourself, “When was the last time I assembled hundreds of Rubik’s cubes into the shape of someone’s face?”
What an endlessly inventive bunch of weirdos we are.
Nothing more to see here.
Stay hungry, stay humble.
(Illustration: Dan Evans)