The Rock's next film project couldn't be any more Rock
The Rock's next film project couldn't be any more Rock

Who remembers Rampage?
It was a video game that first graced arcade halls back in 1986, which saw up to three players take the role of a giant gorilla (totally not King Kong), a giant lizard (totally not Godzilla) and a giant werewolf (actually, no danger of plagiarism there) to lay siege to a generic metropolis.
Now, the kids certainly weren't lining up with their quarters in the hope of engrossing themselves in Rampage's storyline - but developer Bally Midway Manufacturing had devised quite the coin-eater: the monsters were actually mutated humans, George (the gorilla), Lizzie (the lizard) and Ralph (the werewolf), transformed into beasts that roved across the US and Canada for 128 days, smashing buildings and any armed forces mad enough to get in their way.
So imagine our collective glee upon hearing that Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson is being lined up to star in a film adaptation of the game. Will he play George, the tower-tumbling gorilla? Or the plucky hero looking to save the day? We've no idea, but either option is laden with cinematic promise.
Word comes from Variety that Johnson will renew his creative sponsored_longform with New Line and producer Beau Flynn, with whom he worked on disaster romp San Andreas. If confirmed, filming could take place in mid 2016.
New Line is hoping the duo could repeat the magic of this summer's destructive spectacle, with San Andreas accumulating £254 million in world wide box office takings. While a director is yet to be appointed, the script will be handled by Non-Stop writer Ryan Engle.
If the film doesn't involve Johnson pulling out The Rock Bottom on a sky scrapper, we'll all be thoroughly disappointed.