"Play against our robot", they said. "It'll be fun", they said. Well before anyone from Empire Robotics tricks you into an impossible game of beer pong, just check out what their VERSABALL is capable of.
While alarmingly skilled at conquering all-comers at the classic student pastime, the VERSABALL has some far more laudable skills up its metallic sleeve. Designed by Empire Robotics to replace the nightmare-inducing claws and pincers that robotic arms usually wield, the VERSABALL is in essence a giant rubber ball filled with sand: air is pumped into the ball, softening its shell in order to be pushed against a target object. Pulling air out of the ball jams the sand-like material together, causing the ball to harden and grip the object.
In addition to picking up delicate objects, the VERSABALL is able to handle its load with incredible accuracy - as proven by the following CES beer pong demo.