Seven months, 55,000 bricks and 381 arguments with his other half as to what would happen should they "step on one more bloody LEGO brick".
Those are just some of the numbers (okay, we made that last one up. It was 16) behind this formidable build: a five-foot-something recreation of the gates of Erebor from The Hobbit films, made entirely from standard LEGO bricks.
Constructed by master builder Michał Kaźmierczak, the scene depicts the moment at which the Bard's messenger approaches the gates of Erebor to issue Thorin Oakenshield and his band his demands. There are further surrounding details, from forests to additional battles going on in the foreground.
For full details on this amazing project, head over to Kaźmierczak's Brickshelf site or see his amazing images on his Tumblr account.

(Images: Michał Kaźmierczak)
[Via: Gizmodo]