Remember when robots were fun?
When the word 'droid' conjured up images of cute little R2-D2, beep-booping about. And artificial intelligence was going to be something that meant you never went to work ever again, letting you stay inside and just eat chips?
Now robots are just terrifying. They've got massive legs and clever brains. We're just waiting for the day when one of those little vacuum cleaner bots eats a family in their sleep.
We need to take the power back from robots. We need to get over our fear of them. We need to laugh at them - a process made much easier thanks to this video from the comedy bunch at YouTube channel Vagabonds, who've taken stock footage from Boston Dynamics - the Google-owned robotics group - and dubbed their own swear-filled, very English 'banter' over the top of it.
Ever heard a robot call someone a 'dickhead'? Well you have now.
NSFW brilliance.