This amazing new gadget will help protect you from skin cancer
This pocket-sized camera is going to save your skin
We don't mean to sound like your mum, but have you been putting on enough sun cream this summer?
Short of slapping it on your arms, shoulders and that little bit on the tops of your ears that usually always gets fried, it's kind of hard to tell which bits of your bod you've got enough cream on - particularly if you don't have a helping hand. Which is where Sunscreenr comes into its own.
What is Sunscreenr?
Here's what the Sunscreenr sees
This is what you get with a Sunscreenr
How can I buy one?
Having already smashed a Kickstarter project, Sunscreenr is now going after additional funding via Indiegogo (greedy, eh?).
You can pick one up for £70, with worldwide delivery expected in December. Just in time for that New Year's sun escape, right?
Introducing Sunscreenr (Live on Kickstarter) from David Cohen on Vimeo.