This Chase contestant taught us all a valuable lesson in fashion
This Chase contestant taught us all a valuable lesson in fashion

Essentially the British daytime quiz show world's answer to The Sopranos, ITV’s The Chase is some seriously must-watch telly.
Where else could you see Bradley Walsh guffawing into his cue cards at the sight of a double entendre, or a middle aged woman giving a fellow contestant a red hot death stare when they realise they’ve been done out of some money? Seriously, it's good stuff.
And now you can add young bloke wearing a striking yellow and black jumper to the list of reasons to watch, after a Chase contestant called Daniel and his bee-like attire swiftly became the buzz of the internet yesterday.
The sort of brand-less, visually striking attire telly execs just lap up, Twitter users were generally divided over whether this sweater was horrendous or heroic, with the comments coming thick and fast. A qualified airline pilot, Daniel attempted to win some money to take his mum somewhere nice (she’s probably the one that dressed him to be fair) but in the end left with nothing.
Well, except for this five minutes of glorious web fame...