French hitchhiker throws 'hissy fit' after failing to get a lift for 4 days
He's not helping to shake the stereotype

A lot of people seem to be of the opinion that millennials are the worst generation of our time. They think that they're spoilt, self-entitled, un-politicised morons who assume the world owes them a living.
While you might have your own opinions on the matter, there's one French hitchhiker who has been doing his best to perpetuate the stereotype in New Zealand recently after behaving like a complete and utter brat when his hitchhiking trip didn't go exactly to plan.
Cedric Claude Rene Rault-Verpre, 27, arrived in the small settlement of Punakaiki - home to just 70 people - and was attempting to hitch a ride south...Attempting to hitch a ride south for FOUR DAYS.
That's right, rather than cutting his losses and deciding to get his walking boots on like a normal human being, the Frenchman instead opted to stay put on the same unapparent bend in the road for four whole days.

A local police sergeant told The Guardian, “He was a spoilt millennial, and he created a hell of a din. But all that time he was standing in the wrong place to hitchhike – a corner with poor visibility and nowhere for cars to easily pull over.”
You would have probably thought that a rational person might decide that after the first day it would be wise to begin looking for an alternative method of transport, but not this guy. Oh no, the world owed this guy a lift and he'd be damned if he was going to let it mug him off without causing a scene first. So what did he do? He trashed the village of course!
The self-important traveller went berserk - smashing the village sign with rocks, hurling abuse at confused passing motorists and throwing road signs into the local river. What a lovely way to behave in a country where you are essentially a guest.
“Oh he threw an absolute hissy fit; he was lying prone on the road screaming that New Zealanders were assholes and he couldn’t wait to get back to Europe,” said local Neil Mouat to The Guardian.
Rault-Verpe is now facing a $3000 bill for damages and didn't look to happy when's cameras caught him leaving court on Tuesday. The moral of the story? Don't be a brat.