This is the world's most fabulous and baffling street style interview
Anyone know what a 'jazz kitten' is?

Before you scroll on down to the comments section, we'll admit it. This isn't news. We can't pretend it is.
But what it is is fabulous, baffling, exciting, and upsetting: it's the street style interview of one Samuel Davide Hains, a man who wears his dungarees backwards and had a spray tan as a child.

The interview, featured in the Sydney Morning Herald, was brought to the internet's attention when it was tweeted by one @pickle2401 who wrote: "This is fucking glorious."
In the short piece, Sam explains his personal style ("bucolic socialist with improvised elements"), clothes he wouldn't be caught dead in ("a small, inefficient beanie"), and his muse (the docks, apparently).
The insert-adjective-here-does-anyone-know-how-to-feel-right-now article has been shared over 10,000 times, including by the page Get In The Sea.
In other news, is anyone looking to buy a beanie? Size small.