This Optimus Prime Transformer is the stuff of childhood dreams
Just say the magic words and it will transform on command...

A new Optimus Prime Transformer has landed - and it looks and acts like it's come straight from Cybertron.
It was always the dream to have an Optimus Prime toy which would transform just like in the cartoons. We got very close with the amazing Optimus Prime LEGO set but now there is a new smart robot which seems to have cracked it.
The Optimus Prime Elite - a smaller version of its original Flagship Optimus Prime - is a stunning auto-converting robot that will transform through voice commands. Created by Robosen, in collab with Hasbro, the robot is packed with innovative technology.

Its look will be familiar to anyone who was a fan of the original G1 series Optimus Prime Transformer from the 1980s, but the key here is that this bot has been given a software and technology flourish which allows it to transform at the touch of a button or sound of your voice.
The robot is a sizeable 16 inches tall and made from some 5,000 components. It has 125 sound effects and - the best bit - it is voiced by the original actor, Peter Cullen.
According to its maker there 27 servo motors being run by 60 microchips to make Optimus Prime transform just like he does in the show. You can shout familiar commands at it - “Roll Out”, “Convert”, and “Attack!”- and it will do its thing.
You can also use the accompanying app which allows you to control the robot remotely, gives you actions to use and you can program Optimus Prime to do things through your phone.
And if that wasn't enough, it also comes with a Energon Axe and Ice Blaster.
The Optimus Prime Transformer Elite is available to buy now for £699. It has been out in the US for a little while now, at $699.