This three course Christmas dinner pasty shows that every day we stray further from God’s light
Is there nothing we won't try?

Seeing as the world is mostly on fire already, it’s a good time to throw caution to the wind and produce food experiments which might otherwise be deemed blasphemous.
We’d just about adjusted to chips and McFlurry, and were even warming to the idea of instant noodle sandwiches, but the next addition to the food canon has stopped us in our tracks.
However, while other bizarre inventions feel like they come from a distant future, this one is firmly rooted in the past.
There are some pasties which have their origins in including savoury and sweet fillings at the same time, with your main course at one side of the pasty and dessert at the other. It was a go-to for workers who were down in the mines all day and kept everything handily encased in pastry all day.
However, they have never included a Christmas meal in its entirety until now.
The Frankenpasty is the work of Morrisons, who have included a pate starter, turkey and stuffing main and, to finish, Christmas pudding.
It covers all bases, sure, but it raises the question of whether sometimes it’s a better strategy to stand aside and let the opposition score a home run.
The Christmas dinner pasty is on sale for a mere £2.50, and Metro notes the supermarket’s chefs have even baked an arrow into the pastry so you know which end to start at.
The ‘meal’ in full is as follows:
Starter: Ardennes pâté, sweet apple chutney and Melba toast
Main Course: British turkey with sage and onion stuffing, potato, pigs in blankets and cranberries all in a creamy sauce.
Dessert: Christmas pudding with brandy sauce.
(Images: Getty)
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