Tinder Has Just Added A New Feature That's Super Creepy
Tinder Has Just Added A New Feature That's Super Creepy

Swipe left to 'Pass', right to 'Like'.
It's a pure, simple function at the heart of Tinder's popularity - matching many millions of people with dates, casual hook ups and even the occasional lasting relationships.
But as of today, starting in Australia, Tinder will be adding a new swipe function.
Should you be really interested in a profile, to the point of wanting to sing your intent from the virtual rooftops, you can swipe up - indicating a "Super Like".
When that person arrives at your profile during their own swipe-fest, the lower section of your profile will appear to glow blue - showing that you've not only "Liked" them, but that you're ready to start talking wedding plans and baby names.
You'll only have a limited number of "Super Likes" (which you can also access via a blue star button) - with the first Australian user getting one Super Star a day. There's no word on when the feature will roll out to the rest of the world.
"A ‘like’, or 'Swipe Right' has long served as an anonymous way to express interest in someone, similar to a glance across the room," said Sean Rad, CEO of Tinder. "Because they’re so limited in number, a Super Like, or a 'swipe up', sends a more powerful signal, conveying an especially high level of interest.
"People like to know that someone finds them special, and we think this will lead to even better matches. In this and future product releases we’re focused on maintaining the incredible fun of the Tinder community while providing our users with better tools for making great connections."
Congratulations Tinder. You've now made the real-world scenario of sweaty palms and an worryingly intense stare into a virtual experience.
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