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Top trainers for fashion and fitness

The best all rounders

Top trainers for fashion and fitness
Danielle de Wolfe
09 February 2011

Footwear, for most men, is almost a religion. But marrying a fashionable sneaker with something you can run in (i.e looking good in the gym) is a minefield. One that even the sturdiest of trainers couldn't survive.

Thankfully our style director is on hand to point you in the right direction, kicking off with Nike's lust-worthy V-series. Want. Want. Want.

  1. (Style Director's Choice) Red and black ‘V-series’ Lunar pack trainers from £100 by NIKE;
  2. (Blow the Budget) Dark brown trainers with spring sole £220 by PORSCHE DESIGN SPORT ADIDAS;
  3. (Retro Appeal) ‘Silver Shadow’ thick-soled trainers £30 by HI-TEC;
  4. Red and silver ‘Faas 500’ trainers £75 by PUMA;
  5. Black ‘Limber Up Moscow’ trainers with green trim £50 by ONITSUKA TIGER;
  6. 1987 panel lace navy/white trainers £32 by DUNLOP;