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Twitter has been explaining movies in the style of Donald Trump
The Donald gets trolled again. The best tweets so far explaining movies in the style of Trump
19 August 2016
"The Donald" might be trying to backtrack and apologise for his biggest gaffes, but Twitter never forgets.
Its latest genius attempt to ridicule America's most easily ridiculed presidential candidate is the #TrumpExplainsMoviePlots hashtag - turning cinema's greatest works into full on "Trumpisms" by re-telling their plots the incomparable verbal style of the man himself.
He has a way with words, after all. Great guy. Gets things done. End of story.
Here's a selection of the best so far.
Speaking up for Back to the Future bully Biff
Nailing Star Wars
And a galaxy far, far away's greatest villain
Reliving his big Hollywood moment
It's a wonderful life when you're filthy rich
Lord of the Rings? Lord of losers more like
Taking a hard stance on the illegal alien problem
Something about this sounds familiar
Krypton's last son is nothing compared to Super Donald
A titanic problem with Leo's name
The Donald's day off
Just buy a bigger boat
Making America magic again
Franken-Trump Lives
Donald on dinosaurs
Cutting straight to the point
Donald's fishy tale
Here's the truth, America
Simba's nothing but a lying king people
A monster problem for business
Getting mad as hell
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