Twitter is hilariously trolling Trump with #manypeoplearesaying
How to say what you like but take no responsibility for it
We've got to admit, we have a sneaking admiration for this tactic by Donald Trump, which has reared its head on many occasions during his time on Twitter.
By prefacing an absolutely outrageous claim with the phrase 'many people are saying', you can basically say anything, without actually taking any responsibility for it yourself.
Witness this, completely unsubstantiated claim, relating to his rival for the US Presidency, Hillary Clinton:
Of course, you can also use it to heap praise upon yourself, from yourself:
It's very versatile.
Surely you can just check the viewing figures on this next one Donald?
So, following that outrageous slur on Hillary Clinton, Twitter decided to have a little fun and get in on the #manypeoplearesaying hashtag.
But remember Donald, we're not saying all this. But 'many people' are...