Yes, it’s another average penis size study, but this one’s different.
At first glance, it all seems the same. The reported length in inches is broadly what it should be, and there’s not much variance from the parts of the UK with the biggest and smallest.
However, the latest study from men’s health specialists International Andrology carries one major difference.
According to their findings, the areas where men have the largest penises (on average) and those where their partners are the most satisfied are not the same.

Now, if you’re one of those people who just scrolled down to find out if your member is bigger or smaller than the average, you’re almost there.
Don’t worry, we don’t think you’re insecure or anything. After all, why would you be when we’ve already told you size doesn’t matter in the way you think?
International Andrology surveyed 2,000 people for their digital report – 1,000 men and 1,000 women of various ages.
You’re only here for the numbers, though, aren’t you.
Fine, you perverts, here are the averages:

The part of the UK where the men have the largest penises, on average, is Wales (6.56 inches).
At the other end of the scale, we have the East Midlands, with a 6.11in average.
So surely it follows that satisfaction is at its highest in Cardiff and Swansea, and at its lowest in Leicester and Derby. Well, not quite.
According to the report, 36% of respondents said they were dissatisfied with their or their partner’s penis.
However, the highest level of satisfaction came in the East Midlands (71.43%) and the lowest in Wales (57.14%). That’s right – it’s completely inverse to average size.

East Midlands: Smaller average size; greater satisfaction
International Andrology have promised further analysis of the data in due course.
But for now, rest assured that your below-average penis is no bad thing/your above-average penis is not all it’s cracked up to be (delete as applicable).
The full averages, for those wondering, are as follows:
Wales: 6.56 inches
London: 6.51
East Anglia: 6.47
Scotland: 6.45
North-West: 6.41
Northern Ireland: 6.31
North-East: 6.33
Yorks & Humber: 6.29
South East: 6.27
West Midlands: 6.26
South West: 6.23
East Midlands: 6.11
(Images: iStock/International Andrology/Rex Features)