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Watch_Dogs sneaks out new trailer

Watch_Dogs sneaks out new trailer

Watch_Dogs sneaks out new trailer
21 March 2014

Looking forward to infiltrating the digital streets of Watch_Dogs? The latest trailer reveals that prospective cyber sleuths with a PlayStation 3 or 4 are going to be able to dig into the system a little bit deeper.

Along with an exclusive 'white hat hacker' outfit and hacking boost perk, PlayStation owners will be treated to four additional missions, equating to around 60 additional minutes of gameplay.

While stoking the fanboy fires, the new trailer also reveals some very polished action sequences: there are guns, explosions and a great deal of vehicular action. Zipping through narrow roads only to block off police with perfectly timed bollard deployment looks like the kind of fun that will never get old.

Watch_Dogs arrives on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 on 27 May

(Images: YouTube)