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Watching Porn Could Make You A Better Person Not An Anti-Feminist (Say Scientists)

Watching Porn Could Make You A Better Person Not An Anti-Feminist (Say Scientists)

Watching Porn Could Make You A Better Person Not An Anti-Feminist (Say Scientists)
Danielle de Wolfe
14 September 2015

We’ll be honest, we don’t know whether we’re coming or going with the great big porn debate. A mass debate, if you will.

But, despite porn users being consistently vilified by the social and moral compasses of the world, a new study by researchers at the Western University in Ontario suggests it might not be as horrific as you think.

The University studied the results of the General Social Survey of more than 10,000 men and 14,000 women and found that having a keen interest in internet smut might not turn you into the raging misogynist society suggests.

In fact, their findings actually indicated that people who’d watched porn within the last year were in favour of gender equality, didn’t hate powerful and successful women and generally speaking, identified themselves as feminists.

Lead researcher Taylor Kohut explained to Mix:

[Anti-porn activist] Gail Dines once said that ‘porn is the most succinct and crisp deliverer of a woman-hating ideology'.


Not only did our study fail to find strong effects that are consistent with her rhetoric, it actually found weak effects to contrary.

Although Kohut does point out one potential flaw with the study, namely that the results could have been skewed simply because the only people that happily admit to watching porn are the only ones with healthy views on sexuality and gender.

That said, the overall conclusion of the study suggests that the loud and incredibly strong anti-porn movement is “unjustified” and the whole industry focused on making us all hate women.

[Via: Mic