Ben Lamb
“It’s the irritating spirit of Auto Correct. This would convey it wasn’t your choice of words but rather those of the automated spelling police.”
Dan Evans
“JOMO – Joy Of Missing Out: that happy feeling you get when your friends cancel plans and you don’t have to see anyone.”
Matthew The Horse
“It’s to be used when you’ve been staring into the internet for so long that you’ve forgotten that you exist.”
Sam Taylor
“This can be used to describe global warming and the end of the world, but also being hungover or a bit tired.”
Cosmic Nuggets
“My computer died and I’m currently in Hungary. This is my ‘laptop needs a new logic board again sad computer death face’.”
Chris (Simpsons artist)
“I have made an emoji of a man who is completely fed up with his life so people can send it to their family or their friends or their wife when they want to let them know that they are feeling fed up and I met a man in the woods the other day who had just found out that his wife was having a affair with his son’s dad and he was trying to explain to me how he was feeling with emojis but he couldn’t and it just looked like he was trying to tell me that there was a burning boat nearby so I think that my emoji will help him explain to people how he is feeling more and then he will be a lot happier about his miserable life.”