A gold-plated vacuum cleaner? Yours for £800,000. A racing bike coated in a 24k paint job? A cool £250,000.
No, Goldfinger isn't having a car boot sale. These are amongst the new gold-plated products available from Firebox's WTF range.
In addition to these larger gilt toys, there's a painfully bling iPhone 6 (£3,500) and what claims to be the most expensive Apple Watch in the world (£150,000) - which features a strap encrusted with diamonds.

The upright vacuum also makes a similarly expensive claim - we can't imagine there are any other vacuums on sale with a starting price of £800,000, not even one of those fancy anti-allergy Dysons.

You can view the whole range over at Firebox. And if you consider buying the bike, you might want to start browsing for the world's most secure bike lock. Gold plated, naturally.
[Via: Firebox]