Does This Picture Prove That The Moon Landings Were Faked?
Does This Picture Prove That The Moon Landings Were Faked?
Did they or they didn’t they? It’s a question that’s rocked the world for decades – one corner screaming until they’re hoarse that it was all just an elaborate hoax, the other decrying their opposition as a bunch of conspiracy drunk loonies.
Regardless of which side of the fence you’re on, it’s a fun debate and every so often fresh new evidence emerges that appears to support the idea of a hoax.
This is the latest image that’s captured the suspicions of the internet.
Discovered amongst the recent incredible Apollo mission images released by NASA (that you can view here), at first it looks like nothing. Maybe a blurry star? And then you zoom in and it looks a little bit like a humanoid. Obvious conspiracy call would be just to say it’s an alien and be done but what if it’s something far simpler. What if it’s a person?
What if, and humour us here, it’s a technician climbing the back set of a soundstage?
If you stare at it long enough it actually looks like it could be. And it’d certainly fit the bazillions of theories floating around that the US faked all of their moon landings and filmed them all in a huge studio.
The truth is out there people, you just need to find it. Or something.
[Via: Ynn]