Well, sort of.
The watch you'll actually be making is closer to the Apple II computer - and doesn't feature a touch screen, haptic feedback, colour display or any of the other bells and whistles the freshly launched Apple Watch boasts.
But it will have a longer battery life.
A superbly techy parody, this video and full instructional guide is the work of DIY pro Aleator777.
In order to make your own Apple II Watch (with miniature disk drives and click wheel), you'll need a 3D printer, a firm grasp of electronics and a total disregard for your social life.

It's a phenomenal build, with which the skilled Aleator777 highlights just how quickly technology can move on - a computer that was top-of-the-range in the late '70s can now be built at home and worn on your wrist.
If you fancy saving yourself a heap of cash, you can find the full build instructions here.
Happy building.
[Via: Polygon]